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Boya Chinese: Advanced I

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Boya Chinese: Advanced I

Made by: Skritter
Editors: rmzhao82 (edit)
Studied by 761 people.

Words: 797

Boya Chinese is compiled by a group of experienced teachers who teach Chinese as second language. The advanced level is for students who master more than 5,000 words. The advanced level has three volumes and contains about 8,000-word vocabulary and focuses on identifying synonyms, explaining common sentence patterns and difficult words. There are ample exercises and interesting readings after each lesson.
Finishing this level enables the students to pass HSK level 11 tests.

Boya Chinese: Advanced I by Li Xiaoqi. Published in June 1, 2006 by Peking University Press. 327 pages. Lesson contains 10 lessons and 797 words. ISBN:978-7301075326