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All Things Considered, Revised Edition

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All Things Considered, Revised Edition

Made by: Skritter
Editors: gaojian (edit)
Studied by 355 people.

Words: 2199

Designed for students who have completed at least two years of college Chinese, this thoroughly revised edition of All Things Considered bridges the gap between intermediate- and advanced-level Chinese. Lessons promote student discussion and include thought-provoking topics relevant to contemporary Chinese society, such as the increasing divisions between the rich and poor, the conflict between economic development and environmental protection, and changing attitudes toward sex and marriage. The first twelve lessons in the book are in dialogue form, while the remaining lessons are adapted from Chinese newspaper and magazine articles, exposing students to spoken and written styles of Chinese. Some topics appear in both the dialogues and articles sections, giving students ample opportunity for review and reinforcement, improving their overall grammar and vocabulary retention.

All Things Considered 事事关心:Advanced Chinese of Modern Chinese, Revised Edition. Written by Chih-p'ing Chou, Yan Xia, and Meow Hui Goh. Published in 2011 by the Princeton University Press. It has 435 pages, 32 lessons and 2199 vocabulary words