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A New China, Revised Edition

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A New China, Revised Edition

Made by: Skritter
Editors: jeffull (edit)
Studied by 77 people.

Words: 1871

Originally published in 1999, A New China has become a standard textbook for intermediate Chinese language learning. This completely revised edition reflects China’s dramatic developments in the last decade and consolidates the previous two-volume set into one volume for easy student use. Written from the perspective of a foreign student who has just arrived in China, the textbook provides the most up-to-date lessons and learning materials about the changing face of China.

The first half of the book follows the life of an exchange student experiencing Beijing for the first time. Chinese language students are guided step-by-step through the stages of arriving at the airport, going through customs, and adjusting to Chinese university dormitories. The revised edition includes new lessons on daily life, such as doing laundry and getting a haircut, as well as visiting the zoo, night markets, and the Great Wall. Later lessons discuss recent social and political issues in China, including divorce, Beijing traffic, and the college entrance examination. A New China provides detailed grammar explanations, extensive vocabulary lists, and homework exercises.

A New China 新的中国: An Intermediate Reader of Modern Chinese, Revised Edition. Written by Chih-p’ing Chou, Joanne Chiang, and Jianna Eagar. Published in 2011 by Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691148366. It has 528 pages and 48 lessons.