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Harvest Intermediate Chinese (2nd Edition)

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Harvest Intermediate Chinese

Made by: Skritter
Editors: Skritter (edit)
Studied by 27 people.

Words: 747

Harvest is a four-skill intermediate Chinese program that integrates the teaching of the Chinese language and culture. It draws students into the study of Chinese through its stimulating and contemporary readings, authentic language use, content-based materials, engaging and meaningful activities.

This textbook list features 747 words split across 12 lessons. Each lesson topic has it's own section for easier studying!

Published 2014 by Cengage Learning Asia. ISBN-13: 978-9814455169. Written by Xu Jialu, Chen Fu, Wang Ruojiang, and Zhu Ruiping.

Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/Harvest-Intermediate-Textbook-Jialu-Xu/dp/9814455164